Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sleep Till Noon...

Although I have already started working for more than a month, I still can't seem to wake up early enough to go to work. What a lazy butt!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Do I Belong Here?

With 60% Ph.D. population, 30% M.S. crowd, and 9.9% current M.S. student, I am the least educated...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Dog

My roommate's friend recently left her cutie dog at our place. The dog's name is Naomi and she's only 12 lbs. She's already 2 years old, but still the biggest pain on the rear. Guess what, she makes me rethink getting a pet...

I am drawing these comic strips on my spare time.

The last entry was a seminar I went to at work. Merck is largely research based, so there are many seminars every week, like how it is at college. We are free to pick the ones we are interested in attending. It just happened that the Ochem one seemed like a great help to the clueless souls, such as myself...

Friday, May 11, 2007